Blog / 7
Collector's Cretins
Why aren't collector's editions of games sold without the game?
The Good Olde Days
Want to stop complaining about modern video games? Fire up an emulator and play some second-string Super Nintendo titles.
Sorry, did I say having a Mac mini server was boring? I was wrong.
Mulling Mac mini
I'm trying to remember why I need this Mac mini.
Driving Blind
I'm getting tired of heads-up displays in video games. I think the industry could be doing a better job to train players to get rid of them.
Hyrule Warriors
Thoughts while watching the trailer for Hyrule Warriors.
Rosalina might be my favorite character from the Mario platforming games. Rosalina might be the only character in the Mario platforming games.
Elite: Dangerous
Frontier, the ultimate space simulator. I still remember the lucrative trade route of robots to/from Sol System and Ross 154.
Free Play
Forza isn’t a game through which you progress. It’s just a giant pool of race events from which you pick, in any order, at your leisure.
The Desolation of Smaug
This refers to the lands burned by the dragon when he took the dwarven kingdom of Erebor, specifically the city of Dale
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