• Collector's Cretins

    Why aren't collector's editions of games sold without the game?

  • The Good Olde Days

    Want to stop complaining about modern video games? Fire up an emulator and play some second-string Super Nintendo titles.

  • OpenEmu

    Sorry, did I say having a Mac mini server was boring? I was wrong.

  • Mulling Mac mini

    I'm trying to remember why I need this Mac mini.

  • Driving Blind

    I'm getting tired of heads-up displays in video games. I think the industry could be doing a better job to train players to get rid of them.

  • Hyrule Warriors

    Thoughts while watching the trailer for Hyrule Warriors.

  • Rosalina

    Rosalina might be my favorite character from the Mario platforming games. Rosalina might be the only character in the Mario platforming games.

  • Elite: Dangerous

    Frontier, the ultimate space simulator. I still remember the lucrative trade route of robots to/from Sol System and Ross 154.

  • Free Play

    Forza isn’t a game through which you progress. It’s just a giant pool of race events from which you pick, in any order, at your leisure.

  • The Desolation of Smaug

    This refers to the lands burned by the dragon when he took the dwarven kingdom of Erebor, specifically the city of Dale