Blog / 5
Kill meeee
Another in the saga of Memes Nobody Asked For
Dark Souls II playthroughs
Sometimes I think I was born on the Internet.
The Amazing Spider-dope
I was amazed that I liked the first Amazing Spider-man.
Final Archstone
I'm totally out of these. I think.
More Archstone
Video games, Archer quotes, and game design? I could make these up all day.
While playing Hearthstone last night I wondered what Archer's ISIS crew would make of this game.
Games like Amnesia and Outlast don’t really scare me.
The squealing of the Internet over Google's purchase of Nest baffles me.
Old Ben on the mountain
I think gaming has found its Andy Rooney.
Target blank
There’s a weird fetishism people have about "keeping the user on our site" that smacks of hubris to me. Be humble!
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