• My Sixteen Games

    Kirk Hamilton on Kotaku came up with a new type of video game list. It's organized by how people take time to play video games, focusing more on our mood than mapping genres. Here's my life in video games.

  • Configuring Samba 5 to share a folder with full write permissions to guest users

    This year I bought a Raspberry Pi to serve as a retro emulation box. It stinks.

  • Me Suffer Now

    Hello everyone, and welcome to your first day of orientation under the Bright Lord!

  • Peace Among Worlds

    What the (burp) heck was that? It's so stupid, Morty!

  • Halo: Installation 07

    During my time at 343 Industries, I toyed around with a pitch for a game for Xbox One.

  • From Zero to Hero of Time

    Why am I having more fun with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild than Horizon Zero Dawn given that the latter is a thousand times prettier and more polished, with deeper customization and far better dialog? Whoops, I started with the conclusion!

  • Remember to Forget

    What would you ask the Gaming Fairy to make you forget?

  • That Next Next Next

    I've watched Markiplier play Resident Evil 7 and I agree with Kirk Hamilton of Kotaku: the door gameplay is amazing.

  • Pillars of Whateveritwas

    When I heard that Pillars of Eternity 2 launched its crowdfunding project, I knew it was time! Time to spring into action! Right now! And actually play the original Pillars of Eternity.

  • The Average Saiyan Warrior

    The best lines from the DragonBall Z Abridged movie: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan because my editorial policy is 'whatever I feel like' and there are no tracking widgets on this site.