Blog / 307 Pages I Got Back, Part 4
Skycars, skyambulances, and airvans all flickered through the fuzzy sky.
I’ve got a whole book full of Conor’s notes on TekWar.
#67 - Winger's?
#68 - Angry chief?
#69 - Everyone's horny AF (as fuck)
#70 - Plague?
#71 - Look up this ref(erence). Ha, 1940 movie ref(erences) survive
#72 - Lots of discussion of characters who aren't there
#73 - Sure, the next logical option
#74 - DSOTW (dumb sentence of the week); Evil Geniuses Netflix series?
#75 - Well, I'd rather die
#76 - Still rigged to explode?; Let's read their story
#77 - Why on earth couldn't he just project into the cab?; Kinda [rev](???) the rose tattoo from 6y strip club bouncer days
#78 - Would be the only guy so far
#79 - It's like a Batman serial, cliffhangers immediately undermined, characters move on immediately
#80 - WTF
#81 - Let's read this book instead; Hall of Presidents; I mean, parse this for .2 seconds
#82 - Crazy that Disney hired this guy
#83 - No explanation of movement for 3 minutes; The phone bill? Pool cleaner?; What is the redhead doing from here on out; Invented in last four years?
#84 - Rentals, eh?; Wade Watts, also a customer?
#85 - Why stop? Not for our sake!; Walkramp? Or...?; Pronounce?; Endless meetings
#86 - Yes, more conversations are what we need