Blog / Tags / Usability

  • Site Redesign for 2024

    Refreshed for 2024, I'm excited to blog here again.

  • FFMPEG commands for audio/video mixing

    Hopefully these are the commands you've been looking for.

  • Target blank

    There’s a weird fetishism people have about "keeping the user on our site" that smacks of hubris to me. Be humble!

  • Cooling a Playstation 3

    Electrical tape is duct tape for nerds.

  • Backup

    Backup. Then backup again. Then offsite backup. Then rotate offsite backup.

  • Recabling fever

    Every six months or so the planets align and I'm compelled to disassemble my entertainment center and put it back together, better than it was before.

  • How I Organize

    Organizational Schemes of the Middle Class and Nerdy