Blog / Obsolete

November 21, 2013

Last night I arranged my current generation games in their final resting case. I almost filled up a 128 disc game binder with Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2, and PS3 games. Oh, and Wii games too I suppose. Unless something amazing comes out for the PS3 or Xbox 360 I expect I won’t add any more titles to it. The feeling was slightly melancholy. I’m not getting rid of the hardware nor the games, but they’re obsolete now. Entombed in plain sight.

Yet the journey to the next generation will be arduous. This is the first midnight launch I’ve attended in years. Maybe even decades. The first one I remember was for Halo 2 in Tallahassee, Florida. The line stretched 1,000 feet to the nearby Publix. Gamestop employees raffled off shirts and posters. It was crazy.

Now we’re apparently sending armored trucks into New York City. I’m not sure if I should scoff considering what 343 did to Liechtenstein.

Still, this might be the best console launch ever. The games are almost all sequels, but you have your choice of something in every genre. I’m picking up Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, Battlefield 4, and Assassin’s Creed IV. The new Mario game is arriving for the Wii U as well.

No more waiting. Bring it!