Work / Hadoop on Azure


Microsoft’s Hadoop on Azure team was a branch of the SQL Server team looking to encourage adoption of Microsoft Azure. They built a method to host Hadoop clusters on Microsoft Azure and needed a web management interface.

Metro canvas in a hurry

This was a ASP.NET MVC 3 site geared toward highly technical users. The one-month deadline and beta server technology made this a fun challenge.

Graphic design was settled: it should match the Metro theme introduced in Windows Phone 7. It would feature live tiles that updated in real time, just like the phone. This meant jQuery and - since we were targeting advanced users using modern browsers - HTML 5 canvas. Lots of it.

To keep the site simple for those new to Hadoop cluster creation, I designed a new “vertical validation” system. It provided a more active feedback system than traditional form validation while also guiding the user toward the submit button.

Vertical validation

Setting up a Hadoop cluster on Azure servers is straightforward: specify a cluster name, its size, and create a login. One wrinkle was that cluster names could be taken while the user is filling out the rest of the form. If the form went stale - or two people tried to register at the same time - we needed a Metro-style way to alert users to the name conflict.

Website with grey bar on right side, showing validation status (none)
Website with grey and green bar on right side, showing validation status (first part valid)
Website with grey, green, and red bar on right side, showing validation status (first part valid, second part invalid)
Website with green bar on right side, showing validation status (totally valid)

The solution was something I call vertical validation. The right column of help text turns green if a section is valid or red if there’s a problem. The check for DNS name and cluster size occurs every time the user leaves a field, with a gentle fade to green or red.