Projects / Not Clickable


Not Clickable is the label I use for my Let’s Play channel on YouTube. I play whatever catches my fancy: RPGs, survival crafting games, simulation games. I’m not trying to be the next PewDiePie, this is just a creative outlet to make jokes and turn my game playing time into something creative.

It’s informally, sarcastically known as “Jordan’s Professional YouTube Channel” due to my decision not to do any editing. I run the videos through ffmpeg to adjust volume levels and that’s it. The goal is to limit the amount of time spent doing anything outside the game. Hence my usual single-digit view counts and double-digit subscribers.

But I’m not there for fame. I love making jokes when characters in RPGs talk. It’s fun to come up with snappy video titles that are self-contained gags.

Screenshot of the channel's Videos page, showing videos for Final Fantasy XVI, System Shock (remake), and Dead Space
Whatever holds my interest


I record using an elgato HD60 X connected to a MacBook Pro with M1 Pro. OBS Studio records to a MKV file at a constant 50mbps.


This is the ffmpeg command I use to encode video at 60fps and perform ducking on the game audio against my microphone.

ffmpeg \
-y \
-i not-clickable.mkv \
-filter_complex "[0:a:1]asplit=2[sc][mix] ; [0:a:0] volume=1,aformat=cl=stereo [gameaudio] ; [gameaudio][sc]> sidechaincompress=threshold=0.005:ratio=8:knee=4,aformat=cl=stereo [compressed]; [compressed][mix]amerge [a]" \
-map "0:v:0" \
-c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 -bf 2 -flags +cgop -pix_fmt yuv420p \
-map "[a]" \
-c:a aac \
-b:a 320k \